Friday, June 9
Almost six months of web silence. What happened?

New job. I think that excuses me from adding content to the internets for a while.

What is new and cool? Thanks to my new coworkers for showing me Pandora:

It is yet another internet radio station - but they have a very sexy interface, and they suggest new music based on your feedback. Also, if you use Firefox, you don't need to see any ads while you listen to music. :)

In other news, I really like Google's System Monitor:

But enough about software - On Memorial Day we went to Ptown. It turns out that Memorial Day Weekend is now officially Young Lesbians Gone Wild House Beach Party Weekend in Ptown. Here's a picture (click it) of Chris and Andy trying to get us a drink at the Boatslip patio bar.

We almost drowned in lesbians. I swear.

My new commute is on the T, so I have time to watch little movies on my hacked up iRiver H320. I don't suggest any of you watch this, but read the description of Super Duper Sumos. If that show had been around when I was a kid... ^_^

Although I love all my former coworkers and I really did love a lot of the work I did at my previous job, I'm enjoying my new job a lot.

I finally followed David Rees' advice: